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Restricting Epicor Users to Post Batches With Credit Memos

If you would like to restrict at a user level which users are allowed to post credit memos a very simple BPM can be established to control this. This is an example of the many practical ways simple BPMs can be utilized within Epicor® to modify system behavior. 


Installation Steps

1. Establish a new BPM on the InvcGrp.PrePostInvoices method at Pre-Processing.

2. Name it whatever you like and give it a group name.

3. Add a new action to synchronously execute 4GL code with the following code:

find first ttInvcGrp no-lock.
find first UserFile where UserFile.DcdUserID = DCD-USERID no-lock.

for each InvcHead where InvcHead.Company = ttInvcGrp.Company and InvcHead.GroupID = ttInvcGrp.GroupID and InvcHead.CreditMemo = true no-lock:
if UserFile.CheckBox01 = False then
{lib/PublishEx.i &ExMsg = "'This user is not authorized to post credit memos.'"}

This snippet will check for a CheckBox01 field equal to 'true' in User Maintenance, but you can tweak that "find first" statement / the "if" statement to do lookup whatever you prefer.

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